Achievement of Graduates Learning

Based on the Guidelines for the Preparation of Study Program Learning Outcomes published by the Director General of Belmawa Kemenristekdikti namely KKNI level 6. Learning Outcomes Biology Study Program Graduates are as follows:

1. Have religious values, humanity, and care for the environment.
2. Having a sense of nationalism and responsibility to the country by contributing to improving the quality of people's lives in a civilization based on Pancasila.
3. Obey the law and discipline in social and state life, by internalizing academic values, norms and ethics.
4. Mastering the structure of biology in depth (core biology) to solve problems faced in the field of biology (problem solving) and as capital in mastering other related sciences (related science).
5. Mastering biology laboratory techniques and equipment, as well as mastering the biological scientific methodology used to obtain biological knowledge (how we know what we know).
6. Adaptive, creative, and innovative in applying biology and related sciences
7. Skillfully applying biological techniques in the laboratory and everyday life.
8. Skillful in utilizing local potential according to special interest in the study of biology
9. Able to have a career or create employment / entrepreneurship opportunities in the field of biology
10. Have managerial ability to supervise and evaluate workers under his responsibility, as well as optimize the network of cooperation to develop professionalism
11. Having scientific skills as a supporter of the ability of public speaking in local, national and international forums.


Profiles of Biology Study Program Graduates


Graduate Profiles

Graduate Profile Description

Assistants of research in the field of Biology

Research Assistants at various agencies or agencies related to Biology, such as the Indonesian Institute of Sciences.

Academics in the field of Biology

Being academics or working in government or private institutions in the field of Biology, for example: at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Environmental NGOs, and the Department of Health.

Entrepreneurs in the field of Biology 

Being entrepreneurs who provide goods and services in the field of Biology, for example: consultants of scientific document writing and producers of agriculture, fishery, and health products.