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The Program Objectives (PO) of Bachelor in Biology
The Program Objectives (PO) of Bachelor in Biology of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta aim for the graduates to:
1. Research Assistants at various agencies or agencies related to Biology, such as the Indonesian Institute of Sciences
2. Being academics or working in government or private institutions in the field of Biology, for example: at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Environmental NGOs, and the Department of Health
3. Being entrepreneurs who provide goods and services in the field of Biology, for example: consultants of scientific document writing and producers of agriculture, fishery, and health products
The Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) of Bachelor in Biology
The Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) of Bachelor in Biology of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta aim for the graduates to:
- Upholding the values of religiosity and humanity and caring for the environment.
- Having nationalism and responsibility for the country by contributing to the improvement of the quality of society life in the Pancasila civilization.
- Obeying the law and being discipline in community and state life, by internalizing academic values, norms, and ethics.
- Comprehensively mastering Biology (core biology) to solve problems in the field of Biology (problem-solving) and to underlie the concepts of related sciences.
- Mastering the techniques and methodologies in Biology as well as familiar with the equipment used in Biology laboratories in order to get the knowledge of Biology (how we know what we know).
- Being adaptive, creative, innovative in applying the concepts of Biology and other related fields.
- Being skillful in applying the techniques used in laboratories and daily life.
- Being skillful in utilizing local potentials according to the special interests of Biology studies.
- Being able to work and create jobs/being an entrepreneur in the field of Biology.
- Having managerial ability to supervise and evaluate workers and optimizing the networks in order to develop professionalism.
- Possessing scientific skills to support the ability to speak in local, national, and international forums.
Sistem Informasi
Kontak Kami
Program Studi Biologi
(Gedung Baru FMIPA lt III depan Masjid Mujahidin Karangmalang)
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
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