4 students from the Department of Biology Education namely Fita Nilasari (Biology / 2016), Ishadiyanto Salim (Biology Education / 2016), Adinda Yuslia Rukmanandita (Biology / 2016), and Syarah Sabila Rusda (Biology / 2016) guided by 1 supervisor namely Nur Aeni Ariyanti, Ph.D managed to get a Bronze Award in the International Invention and Innovative Competition Series 1/2019 event held in Malacca, Malaysia. This activity was held on April 27, 2019 at Mahkota Hotel Malacca. This activity was attended by 180 teams from several countries in Asia. Such as Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, etc.

This activity is an activity that can be participated by the general public. There are 5 categories that can participate in this activity, they are A1 Professional (Social Sciences), A2 Professional (Science, Engineering and Technology), B1 Higher Institution Students (Social Sciences), B2 Higher Institution Students (Science, Engineering, Technology), C1 School Students (Social Sciences), C2 School Students (Science, Engineering, Technology). So that participants in this event are very diverse ranging from lecturers, undergraduate students, graduate students and school students.

The products created by this team are BETMEN (Piper Betle L. Menstrual Pads) as Innovation Reusable Menstrual Pads. This product aims to minimize single-use items. So hopefully this product is able to replace products that were previously disposable items. The advantage of this product is that it does not contain chlorine and has anti-fungal spray from betel leaf extraction, so it has a higher security level. In this activity, participants are required to present to 2 judges. Each judge has 15 minutes to judge. The presentation is in English. Preparations made include preparing the product, making extracts from betel leaves, labeling, branding, making bunting presentations and pamphlets. Funding received by the BETMEN team came from 2 sources, namely from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Student Affairs UNY.

During the awarding ceremony, the BETMEN team received a BRONZE AWARD in Category B2. This is a good achievement and initial step. Hopefully in the future more teams from UNY will get better results, of course. To bring and scent the faculties and Yogyakarta State University. Proud of achievement!