The Department of Biology Education would like to congratulate Dr. Ixora Sartika Mercuriani, M.Si for her election as Chair of PAI DIY for the 2024-2029 period. We are confident that with your experience and dedication, PAI DIY will continue to develop and make a significant contribution to the preservation and development of orchids in Yogyakarta. Hopefully this mandate can be carried out successfully and bring progress to orchid lovers in DIY.
Post date: 23/12/2024 - 19:09
Post date: 28/10/2024 - 16:24
Department of Biology Education, FMIPA UNY, Holds a STEM Robot Coding Learning Workshop to Improve Teacher Competence in the Digital Era.
Friday, October 25, 2024, was an enthusiastic day for 40 teachers from various education levels who participated in the STEM Robot Coding Learning Workshop in Meeting Room 3 of FMIPA UNY. The Department of Biology...
Post date: 29/08/2024 - 10:29
Health is one of the most important things in every human life. One of the diseases that can interfere with health is foodborne diseases. One of the efforts to overcome these problems is the ability to identify potential chemical, physical, and biological hazards of foodstuffs. A team of lecturers and students from the Department of Biology Education held a workshop on identifying...
Post date: 20/08/2024 - 15:07
In the 2023/2024 academic year, two alumni of the S1 Biology Study Program of the Ministry of Biology FMIPA UNY received scholarships from Chulalongkorn University to continue their S2 education. The two alumni are Titan Dwikama Putra ...
Post date: 19/08/2024 - 10:38
Public lectures are a form of activity where students get direct insights from practitioners in certain fields outside of regular lecture hours. The existence of this public lecture is expected to bring students more connected to campus life and be able to see the picture outside the campus so that they can expand their...
Post date: 19/08/2024 - 10:09
The 2024 Indonesia Collaboration Research (RKI) is a flagship program that will elevate Indonesia's collaboration to the international level. The research activities carried out can be more comprehensive and are expected to be able to create a superior scientific cultural ecosystem in Indonesia. Lecturer of the Department of Biology Education, FMIPA UNY, Dr. Anna Rakhmawati...
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Program Studi Biologi
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FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
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